
How we can help

IT Architecture packages

Many organisations have allowed their IT systems to grow organically over the years but are now beginning to find it "unwieldy" and need insight into how it could evolve safely in the future.

An IT Architecture Review provides three key outputs to help the senior leadership of an organisation.

  • A diagram, or diagrams, documenting the various applications in use, their vendors and any high level "flow" between them.
  • A clear description of risk inherent in the existing application and data architectures
  • A roadmap of opportunities and technical changes aligned with organisational goals

This review draws together the often fragmented and incomplete information the IT systems have relied upon and gives the executives and senior leadership a clear overview and targeted suggestions to move forward.

What goes into the IT Architecture Review?

We fully recognise that sometimes there is very little information to start on.

There is a correlation between the amount of information and details that can be drawn out and the speed at which the report can be delivered. Additionally, the if the inputs are high quality then the senior leadership will have more confidence that the final report covers all the ground it needs to.  

  • What applications and systems are in use?
  • Where are these systems located?
  • Who looks after them?
  • What documentation is there?
  • What commercial agreements are in place?
  • What happens if something goes wrong?

We would look to initially schedule some time with the senior leadership to understand the specifics of what the board or senior leadership team needs. 

As the review proceeds we would seek input from anyone in the organisation responsible for an application or system, from end-users, and from vendors/suppliers. This review, more than any other, necessitates "throwing the net wide" in order to try and capture all the systems and applications that have been quietly working away on one person's desktop for years.

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